Collect data, analyze and build a report within one week.

The Problem

I need to gather quick insights and build a report. I currently have no data collected and will need to quickly build out a discussion guide and gather responses to then analyze and create a report from my findings.

The Plan

Conduct one Flex + Recruit session and utilize Remesh’s Large Language Model features to make discussion guide creation and analysis as fast as possible.

You will see many Large Language Model features referenced throughout this guide, which are indicated with an asterisk(*). In order to access Large Language Model features, an administrator in your workspace will need to enable Large Language Model Features using these instructions.

Day 1: Create and Upload Word Document Discussion Guide

Draft your discussion guide outline in a Word Document. You can create this in the format of your choice such as a bulleted list or table, and you do not need to indicate what question type. Once you upload, our system will do most of the work for you, assigning question types and estimated times for each question based upon the content.

When you're ready, upload your Word Document* then review your Discussion Guide and any Automated Suggestions* and make any necessary updates.

Need some more guidance for how to create a Remesh Discussion Guide? Check out our Discussion Guide Best Practices!

Day 2: Select your recruitment criteria and launch

You can select your recruitment criteria directly in the Remesh platform, see the estimated cost of your Conversation and begin gathering data. Once you're ready, you'll simply launch and Remesh does the rest.

You can find a step by step guide, here!

Day 3-6 Monitor and Analyze Conversation

As your Flex + Recruit Conversation is collecting responses, you can be monitoring the progress and begin your analysis. Monitor the recruit progress on the Summary and Live pages as well as download in progress CSV data outputs. You can also review in-progress data on the Live Page. We recommend starring interesting responses you may want to use in your report.

Day 7: Analyze and Report

Typically, a Flex + Recruit session will reach full recruitment within 2-3 business days. You will likely already have an idea of what insights were gathered in the Conversation as you monitored the data. Once your session has reached full recruitment, you can end the Conversation and access our post-conversation analysis tools. Below is our recommended approach when looking to quickly analyze.

  • Download the Topline PowerPoint. This will generate an automated PowerPoint file with 1-2 slides per question. Skim your PowerPoint, make any necessary edits and delete any slides that do not directly address your research objectives. Review your starred responses and input any relevant quotes.
  • Generate a Summary*. Utilize Summarize to generate a Summary of your Conversation, then make any edits necessary to utilize this as your executive summary. Input into your Topline PowerPoint.

Next Steps

Ready to use Remesh to gather insights quickly? Flex + Recruit is in a beta period, please get in touch and we'd be happy to look into signing up your team for the beta program. 

If you do not have an existing Remesh subscription, please reach out and our team will be happy to assist!