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Summarize: Generate initial summaries from your Remesh Conversation



Quickly and effortlessly generate initial summaries from your Remesh Conversation. Summarize is a new feature that leverages a large language model (LLM) from OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT.

LLM technology is used to power a few of Remesh's most powerful features, and does require an extra step to enable. Read more about this suite of features and how to enable them here.

Included in this Article

  1. How it works
  2. Where to find Summarize
  3. Conversation Summary
  4. Question Summaries
  5. Question Drilldown
  6. Customize Summarizations
  7. Frequently Asked Questions

How it Works

First, Remesh Summarize generates a summary for each Poll, Rank and open-end question in your Conversation. For open end or Ask questions the system selects key responses to summarize from each question that optimize for the spread of thought, overall performance, and technical limitations around LLMs. Our Summary process includes our existing proprietary analysis algorithms in conjunction with Large Language Model prompts to provide high quality and targeted summaries. For closed end Poll and Rank questions, the summaries reflect the aggregated data collected.

Next, Remesh Summarize creates a comprehensive Conversation-level summary based on the individual question summaries. Users are able to create new slices of Conversation-level summaries by selecting their own set of questions.

Where to find Summarize

  1. After logging into Remesh, navigate to the Conversation you want to analyze
  2. Select Summarize from the top navigation
  3. You will first see onboarding polls (if applicable), then your discussion guide questions organized by section below.

Conversation Summary

Users are able to review a Conversation-level summary on the right side of the screen. This summary will contain a combination of all questions selected on the left hand side.

Question Summaries

Users will be able to review question-level summaries for each question on the left side of the screen.

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By clicking on the blue arrow beside each question, you are able to view the same summary on this page along with a question drilldown.

Question Drilldown

In addition to the question summary, when clicking the blue arrow you will see an in depth look at the responses on the left. Below you can find an example of a Poll question.

When clicking a Poll or Rank question you will see additional options for analysis if you have Onboarding Polls programmed.

  • Analysis Perspectives: Choose from a selection of analysis perspectives to receive a synthesized output relevant to the selected question.
    • Consensus: A summary of ideas with high consensus across demographic segments
    • Divergence: A summary of ideas where there is divergence across demographic segments
    • Insights: Synthesized findings in bullet point format.
    • Demographic Breakdown: A comparison of demographic segments including similarities and differences that surfaced in paragraph format.

Customize Summaries

You can customize your question-level and Conversation-level summaries in multiple ways. These features can be used independently or layered with each other to generate more specific summaries for targeted groups.


Segments are created based upon Polls in the Conversation, and are a way to cut the data as you analyze. Whether you’re generating summaries at the question-level or Conversation-level, you can find the Segment filter dropdown menu on the top-level page.

When filtering by segment, there may be time delays. The blue checkmark icon indicates that the data should populate quickly. Segments with a “~60s” clock icon have data that may require some loading time. Upon loading, you will see that the question-level and Conversation-level summaries will be adjusted to reflect that specific segment.

Summarization Method

You can adjust your summarization method for open end questions by using the dropdown above the question-level summaries. Adjusting this will affect both the question-level summaries and Conversation-level summary.

  • Highlights: Summaries are based on Highlights responses by default. This will give you a snapshot of the spread of opinion for everyone who responded to each question.
  • Top % Agree: This will generate summaries based upon our % Agree metric, which assigns a projected percentage indicating how many participants would agree with a response based upon voting behavior. Selecting Top % Agree will generate summaries that showcase the general consensus by utilizing the most agreed upon responses to generate summaries.

  • Bottom % Agree: This will also generate summaries based upon % Agree. Bottom % Agree will shift the focus to less common viewpoints that could uncover hidden insights by generating summaries based upon least agreed upon responses.

Summaries for Ask Experience questions are always based on central responses from each Thematic Cluster.

Question Selections

You can customize your Conversation-level Summary by selecting the specific questions you would like to be included, and clicking the regenerate button.

Conversation-Level Summary Type

You can adjust the type of Conversation-level summary you would like to generate by selecting the drop down above the Conversation-level summary.

  • Paragraph: The default format, around a single paragraph

  • Half-Page Summary: A few paragraphs

  • Bullet Point Summary: Individual bullet point instead of paragraph

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why can’t I access the Summarization feature?
    In order to access this feature a Workspace Admin must first enable Generative AI features. Read more about that here.
  • I selected different questions to include in the summary, why isn’t the summary text changing?
    In order to generate a new summary, you must both select the questions you want included and click the regenerate button 🔁.
  • How do I copy the summary text to paste into my presentations?
    Simply click on the ‘Click to Copy’ button to copy the summary text to your clipboard.
  • Does this work on previously run Conversations?
    Yes, you can use Summarize for previously run Conversations. Please note that there will be some initial loading time the first time you access your past Conversation.
  • Can I provide feedback on the outputs provided?

    A feedback mechanism accompanies this feature, with gathered feedback used to improve the overall feature. Users are encouraged to apply a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down and an optional further explanation for each Conversation-level summary. Users can apply another set of Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down and comments if they change their minds.

    Summarize- Generate initial summaries from your Remesh Conversation 5