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Topline PowerPoint: Download and share an overview of data


The Conversation Topline PowerPoint report contains an overview of data from from your Conversation and is a great way to quickly share analysis with your stakeholders.

How it Works

Once your conversation has ended, you should see an Export Data button at the top right of your screen. Before exporting the file, you have the option to choose up to 3 Segments to include in the report. This allows you to see the data segmented on each slide by demographic and behavioral variables like "Gender" or "Age." You'll also have the option to include Collections in your download.

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Example Slides

For each Ask Opinion question, there will be 2 slides. The first slide will show the Common Topics that were surfaced for the question as well as the Highlights responses and the amount of people that would select a response over the other responses listed in Highlights. The second slide shows the responses submitted by each of the selected Segments that had the highest percentage of agreement within that selected Segment. 

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For each Ask Experience question, there will be 1 slide that shows the categories that the participants could select after they submitted their response and the percentage of responses that fell into each category for your segments.

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For each Poll question, the slide shows the breakdown of the answers chosen by participants.

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For each Rank question, the data is arranged in order of preference. Included in this information are a set of numbers that collaborate how the votes were cast for each ranking item.