Export analysis before your Conversation is complete


Conducting a Flex Conversation gives participants the ability to complete their responses in their own time, but you may want to dig into your analysis before everyone has submitted their responses. Conducting in-flight analysis allows you to do just that.

Included in this article

  1. Flex Conversation
  2. Live Conversation
  3. Frequently Asked Questions

Flex Conversation

  • Open your Conversation.
  • Poll, Rank, and Ask Experience responses will all be up-to-date automatically. 
  • The green banner at the top of the screen will tell you when your Ask Opinion and Branch Ask data was last updated. Click “Update now” to generate new results. (Note: Generating new data may take 1-2 minutes.)01.Green Update Results Now banner
    02.Update Results Now
  • Access and download your updated data using the Export Data dropdown menu.03. Export Data

Live Conversation

  • Access your Conversation
  • You can analyze data while a Conversation using our in-platform tools
  • To export partial data click Export Data at the top left.
  • While a Live Conversation is collecting data you'll have the option to download Conversation and Participant Data CSVs. Keep in mind the data in these exports will be partial. 

Many users will download partial Participant data when tracking and incentivizing a very targeted group. This allows them to see which IDs have accessed the Conversation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How often is the data updated in a Flex Conversation?
    Poll, Rank, and Ask Experience responses are updated immediately. Ask Opinion and Branch Ask data is updated automatically every 24 hours. However, you can choose to manually update your Ask Opinion and Branch Ask data whenever you’d like, as long as it’s been at least 30 minutes since your last update.
  • Why can’t I update the data in my Flex Conversation?
    Data can be updated every 30 minutes. If it’s been less than 30 minutes since your last update, wait until 30 minutes have passed and try again.
    04. 30min wait
  • Which data gets updated?
    Percent Agree scores and Highlights for Ask Opinion and Branch Ask questions are updated automatically once every 24 hours, or manually by the user. You can see when this data was last updated in the green banner at the top of the screen. Poll, Rank, and Ask Experience responses are updated continuously as responses are submitted, so that data is always up-to-date. 
  • Who can export data?
    Moderators and collaborators can access the export button while a Conversation is collecting data. Even if export data is turned on for Observers, they will not be able to export until the Conversation has ended. Read more about user permissions here.