Conduct a Remesh Demo


Conducting a demo and sharing the strengths of the Remesh platform is easy with our Simulate feature. This feature is applicable for both Live and Flex, but this document will be focused on Live demos specifically. 

Our recommended Demo flow includes the use of our Simulation feature, which requires Generative AI (LLM) features to be enabled by a workspace administrator. If you are unable to enable these features, we recommend following the recommended talking points below, but alongside a Non-Billable Conversation or one of our demo videos.

Included in this Article


  • Create your Conversation by following the steps here. We recommend setting your Conversation to non-billable for the purpose of a demo!
  • Complete the schedule page of your Conversation. This will determine the length of time alotted for your simulation.
  • Prepare a brief discussion guide before your scheduled demo. We typically recommend including one of each question type. We recommend using one of our premade templates and customizing it to your needs but you are welcome to use any of our discussion guide programming methods. 
  • Conduct a dry run using the "Start Your Simulation" instructions below to get an understanding for timing and flow.

Start Your Simulation

  • Typically, we recommend hosting a demo while on a conference line with your stakeholders. You may want to begin with a brief overview of Remesh and what our platform does starting broad and getting more and more specific as you go on. Below is an example of how you might summarize the Remesh platform during your intro.
    • Remesh is an AI-powered, human-driven research platform that allows you to gather rich qualitative and quantitative data at scale, while using machine learning and Large Language Models to make data easier to digest, thus empowering the researcher in making faster decisions and recommendations.
  • After a brief introduction, it's time to start your simulation, access your Conversation and click "Simulate" at the top right, make sure the "Simulated Responses" toggle is on then click "New Simulation"
  • You will then see a moderator link and a participant link. Click the moderator link. You'll then have the option to select a target audience to help define your simulated responses.
    How to Run a Practice or Demo Session6

You will need to either Skip or select an audience and click apply before the participant link becomes active.

  • Share the participant link in the chat of your conference line and ask everyone to access this, then share your screen with the moderator view. Let them know they will be completing onboarding polls collecting demographic information before they enter the Conversation. 
  • Once you see everyone has accessed, begin moderating your Conversation. Allow them to answer the question, then direct their attention back to show them how the moderator can analyze data in real time
  • You will likely want to spend some time walking through an Ask Opinion question, as this is the question type most unique to Remesh. You can find more information about Ask Opinion questions here and in the talking points below.
  • Continue through each question, allowing time for questions at the end.

Recommended Talking Points

Talking Point Description
Today we’ll be looking at Remesh Live, but Remesh also offers Flex and Data Import. Live is a live event, taking place usually over the span of 30 minutes to an hour where participants are responding in real time and the moderator can interact with them. Flex is the asynchronous version of Remesh, allowing participants to complete the conversation at their own pace. Data Import allows you to bring your external data into Remesh allowing you to analyze it alongside your Remesh data.
Remesh is web-based. Remesh can be accessed by participants on any device with internet connection and an up to date browser.
Onboarding polls are utilized to capture demographic information. Onboarding polls are programmed by the moderator, and automatically sent to participants before entering the Live conversation. These polls are mandatory, and are often used to collect demographic information and used to cut the data using Segments.
Remesh prioritizes researchers' expertise. Remesh has been leveraging AI for over a decade, and have built the tool to alleviate the burden of mundane tasks from researchers such as coding and sorting responses, while always leaving space for the human expertise. 
Ask Opinion questions are our most utilized question type, and the question and algorithm behind the question are unique to Remesh. Ask Opinion questions prompt participants to respond to an open-ended question in their own words, then vote on other participants’ responses. This voting data is then utilized in our algorithm to quickly allow researchers to see what was most and least agreed upon. These questions are best used when trying to crowd source thoughts and opinions from the group and are an interactive way to engage with participants.
Ask Experience questions do not include voting, but can include the option for participants to categorize their responses. Ask Experience questions prompt participants to share their response in their own words. Moderators also have the option to program categories, which would then prompt participants to select the categories that most closely align with their response. Since voting is not part of this question, these are great for something that is more personal.
Videos and Images allow you to send visuals to your participants to react to. Our platform supports mp4, jpg, png and gif. We often see Remesh used to gather quick actionable feedback about visual content!

Best Practices

  • Create a discussion guide with questions that are relevant to your audience and their potential topic! We see higher engagement when questions feel engaging and relevant.
  • You may want to utilize AutoSend, which essentially puts your Conversation on autopilot and can help with multitasking.
  • You can continue to use the same discussion guide for multiple demos! Simply come back to the Conversation, click New Simulation and your previous simulation will be erased and replaced with a new one.

Frequently Asked Questions During Demos

These are question we often see audience members asking during demos. Use this as a quick reference, and reach out to our team if any other questions arise!

  • Will participants be able to see and hear me?
    No, Remesh operates more like a texting Conversation back and forth with a moderator. There would not be a Live video or audio component as the Conversation was taking place.
  • What is Percent Agree and how is it calculated?
    Percent Agree is how Remesh measures the level of agreement within a given question. You can think of Percent Agree as a projected percentage of the participants who would agree with a given response. It is calculated using the voting data and Remesh's proprietary algorithm which searches for patterns and similarities in voting and responses and fills in gaps throughout. You can read more about Percent Agree and how it works here!
  • Is Remesh GDPR compliant?
    Yes! Remesh is GDPR compliant. For any additional questions about privacy and security, we recommend reaching out to our team.