Audience Recruitment Best Practices


Reference the following resources if you are recruiting your own participants or working with a third party vendor. If you are conducting Employee Research, please reference this article instead!

Included in this Article

  1. How it Works
  2. Screen Participants
  3. Invite and Remind Participants
  4. Incentivize Participants
  5. Best Practices

How it Works

Remesh has two primary product offerings: Live and Flex. You can read about the differences between these two 0fferings here. You will want to adjust your recruitment strategy slightly based upon whether you are conducting a Live or Flex Conversation, which we have outlined below. Overall our recommended process is quite similar for both. You will need to screen your participants, invite your participants, remind your participants and incentivize your participants.

If you are working with Remesh's recruitment team to manage your recruit, please note that the following will likely not apply to your situation and we recommend getting in touch with your Project Manager with any questions. If you are interested in leveraging our recruitment services, please reach out to your Account Manager or get in touch here.

Screen Participants

Screening participants will take place off the Remesh platform and must be managed by your team or your recruitment vendor. Your screener questions will identify which individuals will be a good fit for your research. If you've asked screener questions that you would like to use in your Remesh Conversation to segment your data, you can either upload participant data or re-ask these questions as onboarding polls in your Discussion Guide.

Invite and Remind Participants

After you've screened participants and they have committed to participating, you will need to send them invitations and reminders. This is typically done via email and will also be managed off-platform. You can find a Recruitment Communication Template here which we recommend customizing to your needs.

You will need to include the participant link to the Remesh Conversation, which will be generated after you create your conversation. You can read more about participant links and tracking participants here.

Suggested communication timeline Live:

  • Confirmation email as soon as participant selected
  • Reminder 12 hours before the Remesh start time
  • 2 hour before the Remesh start time
  • 20 minutes before the Remesh start time (include participant link)

Suggested communication timeline Flex:

  • Confirmation email as soon as participant selected
  • Reminder 24 hours before start time
  • Reminder 20 minutes before start time
  • Reminder at start time

Additional participant resources:

Incentivizing Participants

If you are intending to incentivize participants you will need to ensure you are using unique links or uploaded participant data links. Single links are not able to track participants and will be unable to identify which participants accessed the Conversation. Once the Conversation has ended, you can download a Participant Data CSV which will include unique IDs and how much each participant completed. You will then need to match the unique ID with the associated participant and incentivize off-platform.  More information on unique links, uploaded participant data and tracking participants can be found here.

Best Practices

  • Be clear and direct in any communications to participants, and communicate to them early and often!
  • We typically suggest 5 business days to fully recruit participants for a Remesh Conversation.
  • Provide some initial instructions to the participants so they can familiarize themselves with the platform. You can find sample language and participant videos in the above templates.
  • Use a screener (or another recruiting survey or tool) to recruit participants to the session. If they qualify for the Remesh Conversation, be sure to explicitly ask them if they are willing to join and participate at the exact date and time required.
  • We recommend having a minimum of 20 participants in each Remesh Conversation to ensure the algorithms are fully optimized.