How to be a Participant


We recommend that participants read through the following ahead of their Remesh Conversation to ensure the best experience.

What to Expect

Remesh is a unique tool that allows you to share your thoughts and opinions in an engaging way. We recommend reviewing the following to ensure you are prepared for the experience.

You will join the Remesh Conversation via a link, which can be accessed on any device that has access to internet and an up to date version of our supported browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge).
You will see a welcome screen first, letting you know you are in the right place. From there, you may be asked to review our privacy policy and conversation terms, then you will complete your onboarding questions.

If you’ve arrived early, you will wait until the scheduled start time to begin!

Then you will enter the Remesh Conversation! This is where you will have the opportunity to respond to a variety of question types including polls, ranking and open ends. The Conversation will look and feel as if you’re having a texting conversation with your Conversation moderator.

How to be a Participant 1

There are two different styles of Remesh that you may participate in: Live or Flex. If you are accessing a Live Conversation, you will see timers associated with each question. Live Conversations are dynamic and fast-paced so keep in mind that you are not able to go back and respond to a question if the timer has expired. Flex is completed at your own pace, so you would not see timers.

Be sure to click submit after you have entered your response to ensure your response is captured!

When completing an open-end question, you may also be asked to vote anonymously on other participants responses. There are two voting exercises you might see which you can see below.

how to be a participant 4

You will continue answering a variety of questions and voting on others’ responses throughout the course of the Conversation. Once the Conversation is over, you will see an automated message that the Conversation has ended and you are free to close your browser.

Technology Considerations

  • Use Google Chrome to access the session if possible. If not, use Firefox, Safari, or Edge. Note that Remesh does not explicitly support any browsers not listed here.
  • Try to use the newest version of these browsers to ensure the best experience.
  • If utilizing a computer or laptop, using a wired connection instead of wifi can sometimes help with connectivity issues.
  • If accessing the link via mobile device and experiencing connectivity issues, try switching your connection to data rather than wifi, if available.
  • If you are accessing via a work device, it is possible that Remesh could be blocked by their employer's network. We recommend logging off of VPN or join on your phone.

How to Prepare

Participating in a Remesh Conversation will keep you busy, so we recommend reviewing your invitation to note how long the session will be and preparing to settle in for that amount of time. Make sure your device is charged and you are in a location with strong internet connection then find a comfortable spot and click your link! Most moderators program additional instructions at the beginning of the session too, so you’ll have a reminder of some of the above as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will my progress be saved if I leave a Remesh Conversation and come back?
    If you are participating in Remesh Flex, your progress will be saved for 24 hours if accessed in the same browser and cache and cookies have not been cleared. If you are participating in Remesh Live and leave the Conversation, any question that is sent during that period of time will not be able to be revisited and no response will be captured. In both instances, we recommend setting aside the suggested amount of time to complete the questions to ensure that all your thoughts are captured.
  • How do I know if I’ll be participating in Remesh Live or Remesh Flex?
    If your invitation is asking everyone to join at a specific date and time, this is likely a Live Conversation. If there is a window of time that you have to complete the Conversation, this is likely Remesh Flex. If you’re unsure, get in touch with the individuals who sent your invitation for clarity.
  • Are there any videos I can watch to prepare?
    Yes, we have a video specific to Live and a video specific to Flex.