Question Type: Poll


Polls allow participants to select from a list of pre-programmed response or responses.

Example Participant View (Live)

Example Moderator View (Live)

Included in this Article

  1. How it Works
  2. Best Practices

How it Works

Poll questions can be changed from Single Select to Multi-Select by clicking the drop down.

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 11.21.25 AM

You also have the option to select "Settings" and adjust a few additional settings.

  • Randomize order for each participant
    • This will randomize the order of the poll options for each participant. If you select to add "Other" or "None of the above" to the end of your poll options, these will be anchored and not be randomized with other options.
  • Add "other" to the end of the list
    • Participants who select "Other" will see a short text field to capture additional details.
    • This option will be translated into the participants' language set in their internet browser.
    • This option is available for Polls in your Conversation as well as Onboarding Polls.
  • Add "none of the above" to the end of the list
    • This option will be translated into the participants' language set in their internet browser.
  • Set as optional (Remesh Live Only)
    • Setting a question as Optional will exclude it from the overall time estimate and will flag the message as optional as you are moderating. You can read more about optional messages here!
  • Set a multi-select limit (Multi-Select Pols only)
    • For multi-select polls, you can select this option to limit the number of poll options a participant can select. Once selected, you will be prompted to choose the number of options you would like participants to be limited to.

Best Practices

  • Program a Branching question from your Poll to ask a targeted open end question based upon how participants responded to your poll, allowing you to gain more in-depth insights. You can learn more about Branching here!