Question Type: Branching


Branching Ask is a new question type that you can use to ask targeted follow-ups to different subgroups within the same Conversation, leading to deeper insights.

Included in this Article

  1. How it Works
  2. Adding a Branch Ask in Build
  3. Adding a Branch Ask Live
  4. Participant Experience
  5. Viewing Responses
  6. Exporting Data

How it Works

A Branch Ask is created from the poll options in a single select poll question, including single select onboarding polls. You can add a Branch to your Discussion Guide in the Build tab or ad-hoc during the Live session. There is no limit to the number of Branching Asks you can add to a Conversation. However, there is a maximum of three branches per poll question. 

Adding a Branch Ask in Build

  1. Hover over a single select poll and click the Branch from Poll icon.Question Type- Branching1
  2. Select the poll options that you want to be part of Branch A. You can add as many poll options as you’d like to a branch.                    Question Type- Branching2
  3. Next, add the opinion question you’d like to ask that subgroup.   Question Type- Branching3
  4. Select the question duration from the dropdown.        Question Type- Branching4
  5. Continue to assign all of the poll options to a branch.Question Type- Branching5
  6. Click Save and view your Branching Ask in the Discussion Guide panel.

If you want to use the same ask opinion question for all polls, you can click “copy to all branches”. You need to create your branches first before copying asks to the branches.

Adding a Branch Ask in Live 

You can send a Branching Ask at any point in the Conversation after the poll question, including onboarding polls. 

  1. After sending a single select poll, click the Branch from Poll button OR hover over a poll in the Discussion Guide side panel and select the Branch from Poll icon.                Question Type- Branching6Question Type- Branching7
  2. Select the poll options that you want to be part of Branch A. Question Type- Branching8
  3. Type out a question you would like to propose to that subgroup. Question Type- Branching9
  4. Continue to assign all of the poll options to a branch.Question Type- Branching10
  5. Click Send.

If you want to add a branching ask during a live conversation, but you don’t want to send it immediately, then you can create it in the Discussion Guide by hovering over the poll in the Discussion Guide and setting it up just as you would in Build.

Participant Experience

Participants will be given a targeted Ask Opinion question based upon what you have programmed, but they will not be notified of this. They will experience a normal Ask Opinion question on their side, while you are able to view the responses broken out by group.

Viewing Responses

As Participants respond to the question sent to their subgroup, switch between the branch tabs to view the Highlights and Common Topics

Open the Analyze tab and easily switch between branch tabs to see how different segments within the subgroups responded. 

Exporting Branching Data

PowerPoint Slides

When you export the PowerPoint topline report, each branch will have a summary slide with Highlights and Common Topics and a slide showing Highlights by Segments. 


  • Conversation Data: Each branch is shown as an individual Opinion Question. 
  • Participant Data: Completion rate counts a response to any branch as having answered the question.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I add a Branch Ask in the Discussion Guide Excel File?
    Currently you cannot add a Branch Ask in the discussion guide Excel file but you can always add them after uploading your Excel file. We recommend programming your discussion guide using the In-Platform Builder when using Branch Asks.