Ensure your team is making the most of your Remesh subscription. The Activity dashboard gives administrators greater visibility into your team’s Remesh usage for better planning and budgeting.
Only Workspace Administrators have access to these features.
Included in this Article
- Where to find the Activity Dashboard
- Reviewing and filtering usage data
- Sharing usage data
- Email Updates
- Users
- Deleted Conversations
- Frequently Asked Questions
Where to find the Activity Dashboard
After logging into Remesh, navigate to the left menu and click on Manage Workspace, then click on Activity.
Reviewing and filtering usage data
You’ll see featured usage data highlights, with a list view of all Conversations and Users below. By default, you’ll see data pertaining to your current billing cycle. The data highlighted will depend on your contract, usage, and any filters you’ve applied. Featured usage data may include:
Participants: The total number of people who have completed your Remesh Conversations. With the default filters applied, the Activity page will clearly indicate how many Participants have counted against your current contract.
Teams: The total number of teams using your Remesh subscription.
Users: The total number of individual users (team members and collaborators) using your Remesh subscription.
Observers: The total number of Observers with a Remesh account tied to your subscription. As a reminder, Observers only have access to view live Remesh Conversations and are not a part of the team
If your contract has set limits on any of the above usage data, you’ll see ‘Limit N’ directly below the total number to indicate how many units you have left in your contract period.

- Time Frame: Select your current contract to gauge how much you’ve consumed and ensure you’re making the most of your subscription. Or select a previous time frame to compare usage over time.
- Type: Include Remesh Live or Flex Conversations.
- Note: If you've Converted a Live Conversation into a Flex Conversation this Conversation will appear twice on your list.
- Purpose: Choose whether to include ‘Billable’ or ‘Non-Billable’ (previously ‘Demo’ and ‘Test’) Conversations. Selecting Billable will allow you to assess how much usage you have remaining in your current contract.
- Status: Select ‘Ended’ to include only Conversations that have been completed.
- Locations: If Conversations are organized by a specific team, you can filter by specific location.
- Click ‘Clear All’ to remove filters and include all available usage data. Click ‘Reset’ to return to the default filter settings.
Sharing Usage Data
There are times when you may want to share Usage Data. You may want to let your team know they still have time to maximize their Remesh subscription. Or you may want to inform them that they’re reaching their limits. You can share this information by downloading your data from the Activity dashboard as a CSV file.
Email Updates
Sign up for email updates to stay up to date on your Remesh usage without needing to login to the Remesh platform! We'll send you a report at your chosen cadence, then choose to log in for additional details. Simply click Email Updates, enter your information and save.
Clicking the Users tab will give you an overview of users, the Conversations they've accessed and the last time they logged in.
Deleted Conversations
Deleted Conversations will show you Conversations you have permanently deleted. You are able to reference the name of the Conversation, but the data will be deleted. This is so you can still reference what Conversations have been conducted throughout your contract while still having their data be deleted.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Who has access to Usage Reporting?
Workspace Administrators on subscription contracts have access to the Activity page. - How can I tell what’s remaining in my Remesh subscription?
If your Remesh contract includes set limits on certain usage metrics, you’ll see how many total units you have or your contract period underneath the total number consumed. Just be sure that you select ‘Current Contract’ under the Time Frame filter, ‘Ended’ under the Status filter, and ‘Billable’ under the Purpose filter (you can jump to these settings by clicking ‘Reset’). If this data is unavailable, or you’re unsure what your limits are, review your contract. - Why do some Conversations appear twice on the list?
If you’ve reopened a Live Conversation as a Flex Conversation, or vice versa, you’ll see this Conversation listed twice with a double arrow icon to indicate that it’s been re-opened. This is for your record-keeping since re-opening a Conversation means you’re billed for another Conversation. - I have ceilings/limits on my contract, why isn’t this data on my dashboard?
If you have set limits on your contract and you don’t see them on your dashboard, your customer data may need to be updated on our end. Contact your sales representative and ask them to update your customer profile with your contract limits.