Mitigate bias and groupthink

The Problem

Traditional qualitative research such as focus groups, allows for bias and often one person or a few people with strong opinions can dominate the discussion and may intimidate others who have different thoughts and feelings.

The Plan

Conduct a Live Conversation which gives some of the feel of a focus group such as being able to ask follow up questions and pivot on the fly, while maintaining participant anonymity and democratizing the collective voice.

Ask Impactful Questions

Although all Remesh questions will be answered anonymously, we recommend focusing your discussion guide around Ask Opinion questions. This type of question will prompt participants to respond to the question in their own words then anonymously vote on each other’s responses. That voting data will then be used to bring out the responses that are most representative of the group while maintaining anonymity. We’re all about democratizing participants’ voices, meaning that whether you’re a wallflower or a social butterfly, your thoughts will have equal weight in a Remesh Conversation.

Read more about our Ask Opinion questions, including example questions, here!

Ask Follow Up Questions

During a Live Remesh Conversation, you can easily see participants responses and ask the group follow up questions without derailing a Conversation. For example, you might see responses from participants saying they don’t like the color of a certain visual. Using the Percent Agree score, you can also see if other participants are in agreement. You could then ask a follow up question to all participants asking “If you had to change the color of this visual, what would you change it to?” and have participants respond and vote anonymously. In this way, everyone in the group can share their honest thoughts without being influenced by others.

Analyze Democratized Data

Once you’ve collected your data, you’ll then need to analyze it. Unlike the tedious combing through transcripts and notes of a focus group, after a Remesh Conversation our AI takes care of tedious tasks to help you focus your expertise on understanding. We’d recommend starting with the following tools.

  • Auto Code: This feature will take the first pass at the traditional process of coding responses. You can then make adjustments, upload your own code book and use these codes to identify common threads and themes arising in your data.
  • Summarize: Automatically generated summaries of responses. This will provide a Conversation-level Summary as well as each individual question.

Take some time to explore our additional tools as well!

Next Steps

Ready to use Remesh to mitigate groupthink? If you already have a Remesh subscription, simply create your Conversation! Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

If you do not have an existing Remesh subscription, please reach out and our team will be happy to assist!