Generate and crowdsource new ideas.

The Problem

I want to guide a group through generating ideas in an efficient and engaging manner.

The Plan

Conduct a Live Remesh Conversation, which allows you to gather real-time insights while making changes and additions as you go. Create a discussion guide plan that provides opportunities for the audience to share feedback and the researchers to pivot and guide them through increasingly targeted questions to narrow down ideas.

Plan Your Discussion Guide

Remesh offers a variety of question types, but you’ll want to lean on our Ask Opinion questions for this discussion guide. These questions allow participants respond in their own words to an open end question before voting anonymously on other participants’ responses. Our AI works in the background to instantly share the most agreed-upon responses allowing you as the researcher to quickly see ideas that are rising to the top.

We recommend starting your Discussion guide with a few Ask Opinion open end questions generating ideas on the topic at hand. You can then program follow up question placeholders, allowing you to make adjustments and add in ideas as you go. Much of the focus of your discussion guide should be allowing space in the Live Conversation to ask follow up questions and elaborate on ideas. Here’s an example of what part of that discussion guide might look like in an Employee Engagement context.

Question Type Question Notes
Speak Hello and welcome to Remesh! Today we’ll be spending about 15 minutes getting your thoughts and ideas about how we could update our mission statement. As a reminder, our current mission statement is [Insert mission statement] An introduction shares context and any shared definitions for participants.
Speak We have heard feedback that our current mission statement does not reflect the current position of our work and company, so in the following year we will be creating and releasing a new mission statement and we want your help creating it! So without further ado, let’s start with our first question!
Ask Opinion What is an ideal mission statement for our company?  
Ask Opinion [Placeholder, to be adjusted live after analyzing previous question] I see many of you agree that [Insert top Percent Agree response] is an ideal mission statement for our company. That’s a great start, but let’s say we wanted to change the wording to better reflect [Insert element of culture]. Recreate this mission statement to better reflect this element of our culture. These questions can be adjusted on the fly during the Live Conversation, allowing the moderator to customize it based upon the data collected in the previous question.
Ask Opinion [Placeholder, to be adjusted live after analyzing previous question] Awesome work, these are helpful responses! I see a lot of responses using the word [Insert Common Topic]. Tell me more about what this word means to you.
Speak Thanks for your great feedback! Just a moment while I read through your responses Sending a speak to your audience can give you time to review responses while letting them know you're still there.

[Placeholder Rank, to be adjusted live after analyzing previous question] Please Rank the following draft mission statements with 1 being the mission statement you feel is the best fit for our organization and 4 being the mission statement you feel is the worst fit for our organization.

  • [Insert 4 responses from previous questions as rank options]
Looking through previous responses, identify the one that you would like participants to vote on and input them into the question options on the fly.
Speak Thanks so much for your time today! The next steps will be that we will take these ideas and bring them to a few small, focus groups to continue gathering feedback. We will then host another Remesh session in the fall to make our final decisions before having the board vote! Thanks so much for your feedback on this important transition!  


Analyze Live

As you are moderating your Conversation, you can effortlessly analyze responses Live using our machine learning-powered metrics.

  • Percent Agree: Pulls to the top the most highly agreed upon responses in Ask Opinion questions
  • Common Topics: Identifies key words and phrases that are showing up most frequently in Ask Opinion responses

Ask follow up questions in the moment

During the Live Remesh Conversation, ask follow up questions and add details to placeholder text to help narrow down ideas. It’s easy to edit and add questions as you moderate your Conversation, and you can quickly see what ideas are surfacing.

As we showed in the example above, it can be helpful to have an outline of questions you want to ask or create a question bank to choose from as you moderate. This in combination with our AutoSend feature, which allows you to put your moderation in autopilot, will allow you to make the most of your time with your participants and surface ideas quickly.

Next Steps

Ready to use Remesh to gather insights quickly? If you already have a Remesh subscription, simply create your Conversation to get started! Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

If you do not have an existing Remesh subscription, please reach out and our team will be happy to assist!