1. Knowledge Base
  2. Collecting Data
  3. Moderating Your Conversation (Live)

How to use Filters


Filters allow Moderators and Observers to independently segment question data, based on any closed-ended Poll response, without having to create a new Segment.

How it Works

Filters can be used as an exploratory tool to determine how different groups of the audience are responding to certain questions in real-time. The Filters button will appear in the drop-down segment menus once you have opened up a question's 'Analyze' tab in the Live space.


How to use Filters 1

Once selected, the Filters Tab will open. On the left-hand panel, you will be able to select which poll options to use as filters (both Onboarding and Conversation Polls). They will be organized based on when they were sent in the Conversation.

How to use Filters 2